Yoshi's Island Extra 4

  • Coin bonuses

Collect all of the coins with a baby's face hidden in each of the following Worlds to unlock the advanced version of the corresponding mini-game.

Yoshi's Island ranked 22nd on Official Nintendo Magazine 's 2009 top 100 Nintendo games as a 'bone fide classic', 15th on IGN's 2014 top 125 Nintendo games of all time, and second on USgamer's 2015 best Mario platformers list. Sequels and spin-offs. Yoshi's Island led to a strong year for Yoshi as a character.

Hard Bouncy Maze: World 3
Hard Egg Toss: World 5
Hard Flutter Challenge: World 2
Hard Speed Eating: World 4
Hard Tulip Shooter: World 1Extra
  • Enemy is Yoshi's mouth

Get DK if you do not already have him. Swallow an enemy, then climb on a vine and reach out. You should still have the enemy in Yoshi's mouth. However, it is not. When you drop down, realize the enemy will be back in Yoshi's mouth.
  • Extra levels

Get 100 points on each of the eight stages (except the secret stages) in a World for a total of 800 points. To do this, you must collect 20 red coins, 5 flowers, and 30 stars.
Extra 1 level: Get 800 points for World 1.
Extra 2 level: Get 800 points for World 2.
Extra 3 level: Get 800 points for World 3.
Extra 4 level: Get 800 points for World 4.
Extra 5 level: Get 800 points for World 5.
  • Feet remains still when flutter jumping

Make Yoshi do the flutter jump. Just when he is doing the flutter jump, press X (or R button if you switched the controls) to make Yoshi aim his eggs. Notice that his feet stay still when they are actually meant to kick around while he is flutter jumping.
  • In-game reset

Press L + R + Start + Select during game play.
  • Rotating arrow

You can swallow the rotating arrow in any stage it appears in.

Yoshi's Island Extra 4 Numbers

  • Time Trial mode

Successfully complete the game, then load your cleared saved game file. The question mark that previously appeared un the lower right corner will be replaced with the 'Time Trial' option. There are five extra levels (one from each World) in Time Trial mode that are playable with a black Yoshi.


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