Mar 14, 2017 This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island for Super NES.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page.

Alternate ending sequence
Bonus games
Bonus levels
Extra 1 - Disable Auto-Scrolling
Hard mode
Higher flutter jump
Level 1-7: Extra lives
Lucky 777
Special Yoshi eggs
Title Screen Stars
World 1-2: Easy lives
World 1-7: Hidden area
World 1-9: Easy lives
World 3-1: Hidden area
World 3-1: Warp to World 5
Yoshi's Island Faq
On World 3-1, select any character and fall down the waterfall. There is a door at the bottom. Go inside and find the potion. Throw it near the vase and go inside. Enter the vase, which will warp you to World 5. | Submitted by NetoWorld 3-4 Boss Tips
World 4-1: Easy lives
World 5-4: Free mini-games

Yoshi's Island Codes Snes
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Yoshi's Island Unlockables Walkthrough
World 1-7
For nearly unlimited lives in world 1, try this:
Grab one of those baddies that roll up in a ball.
When you get to a point where you see the middle ring, don't go to it. Instead, go to the other side of the pipe that you just went pass.
When shyguys start coming out the pipe, spit the ball out.
Grab the ball before it stops rolling. Repeat the same process over and over until you gain some men.
If you wait until the ball stops you'll have to do the process again. The same thing goes if you destroy the ball and you'll have to grab another one.
Another problem is if you're not standing on the right spot. If you're not, the ball will go over the pipe instead of bouncing back and forth between the pipe and the stuff you can destroy with your eggs or by ground pound.
World 4-1
To gain all the lives you want, try this:
On Stage 4-1 (with at least 3 eggs [maximum 5 eggs]), grab a shell. But do not make a egg out of it.
When you get to a point where there's two tunnels with piranha plants, kill the plants with the eggs.
Stand on the tunnel facing the pipe with the shyguys jumping out.
Make sure that the shyguys are jumping out the tunnel. Then spit the shell out.
The shell should go back and fourth between the shyguy pipe and the pipe that you're standing on killing the shyguys coming out the pipe.
Be careful, because if a shyguy is standing too close to a pipe and the shell hits it, the shell and the shyguy will be destroyed.
For nearly unlimited lives in world 1, try this:
Grab one of those baddies that roll up in a ball.
When you get to a point where you see the middle ring, don't go to it. Instead, go to the other side of the pipe that you just went pass.
When shyguys start coming out the pipe, spit the ball out.
Grab the ball before it stops rolling. Repeat the same process over and over until you gain some men.
If you wait until the ball stops you'll have to do the process again. The same thing goes if you destroy the ball and you'll have to grab another one.
Another problem is if you're not standing on the right spot. If you're not, the ball will go over the pipe instead of bouncing back and forth between the pipe and the stuff you can destroy with your eggs or by ground pound.
World 4-1
To gain all the lives you want, try this:
On Stage 4-1 (with at least 3 eggs [maximum 5 eggs]), grab a shell. But do not make a egg out of it.
When you get to a point where there's two tunnels with piranha plants, kill the plants with the eggs.
Stand on the tunnel facing the pipe with the shyguys jumping out.
Make sure that the shyguys are jumping out the tunnel. Then spit the shell out.
The shell should go back and fourth between the shyguy pipe and the pipe that you're standing on killing the shyguys coming out the pipe.
Be careful, because if a shyguy is standing too close to a pipe and the shell hits it, the shell and the shyguy will be destroyed.